Ok, so I am one of those poeple who would totally talk about how great our dog is, and how nice and friendly she is and how she would NEVER do anything to hurt anything.
Well, NEVER say NEVER...
Annie-Puppy was sleeping today in front of the back door like she always does. I had just pumped, so I was in the kitchen pouring the milk into a bottle. I set Alaina down in the living room [openly connected to kitchen] to play and saw her creeping her way into the kitchen to play with the scale [yes, I keep the scale in the kitchen--seems like the likely place to remind myself of the consequences of a snack].
The next thing I know Alaina is crying [not so much screaming as I thought there would be in retrospect]. The dog is just laying there [like she always does, and Lainey just comes up and pets her] and I pick Alaina up and she has holes in her face. Without fainting, I run to the bedroom and wake up Adam. He had just got home from the owl shift [goes to work at 10 pm and gets home at 7 am] and it was only 8:30. I scream, "Get up, hold her, I have to call the doctor." Three minutes later, I finally get through to the doc [they open at 8:30 and their machines were still on for the first 5 tries getting through]. Lainer was already done crying but I was still freaking out. The doc said just go to the ER. Adam, after only one and a half hours of sleep, drove us there. Lainey took a nap on the way! We get there, I'm thinking antibacterial wash, stitches or glue....nothing! She laughed at the doc and tried to steal his stethescope as he washed her marks with a washcloth! He said they were very superficial [not deep] and just needed some ointment. She came home, ate and has been fine all day!
I on the other hand, have been a mess. As soon as I could breathe a sigh of relief that my baby was ok [and it would have been MY fault if she wasn't] it kicked in that my VERY FIRST baby, Annie-Puppy, was going to be kicked to the curb. I knew she didn't do it on purpose. She was startled while she was sleeping, it wasn't even a bite, just a scared nip....but I could not chance that ever happening again. What if Lainer falls on her when she is learning to walk and Annie snips her from fear or pain??? I know Annie is such a good dog, and I would still say all those things like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, except, I guess for the NEVER part.
With a little retail therapy, I had almost convinced myself [although I knew it would never fly with Adam] that maybe Annie deserved a second chance, and that I would just have to never let Alaina down in the same room, they could co-exist--
the lady at Babies 'r' Us.
She was telling me about her cousin who had a dog and a 2 year old. For two years the dog and baby were best buds and played together and the baby layed all over the dog, then one day the dog played with the baby like a toy and bit her head and shook back and forth like dogs do with toys [except Annie is too lazy and will not play like that] and the 2 year old had to get 600+ stitches!!!! Then I realized that I still needed to get an e-mail out asking anyone if they want and indoor, smart, house-broken, friendly dog!!!
So sad, I cried!
Here are some pics of the damage. Yes, she looks cross-eyed. I was really close and the flash was crazy...'
Poor Alaina. It's cute that you took her to the ER....She's so loved. I'm so glad that she's ok. Where will Annie be going?
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