
Rain, Rain, Go Away...

The Cardinals were winning when the rain came...we'll see what happens!
And--the electricity just went out--good thing for Laptop batteries!



Alaina's Baptism was Sunday, March 30th. Here are some pics.

Lainey's Godparents Steve and Julie and me and Adam.

Us with all Lainey's great-grandparents and Fr. John.

Lookin' at the flowers in front of the alter after Mass.


Happy Easter!

Smiling pretty in my dress.

It's so exhausting being cute.

Watching the Blues game w/ Uncle Timmy.


Surprise Easter Bunny!

We went to inspect the flood waters by our house in Union. Lainey and Mommy have been trapped OUT since Tuesday and Daddy is on the other side. We finally decided to take the 1/2 mile treck through a field and get some clean clothes.

Friday morning, we went to see the rising waters across town in Pacific where I have been staying with my mom. My Aunt Rosie's house was in the water, but we couldn't go past the tracks. The police blocked everyone off at the tracks---and the Easter Bunny was there, too---strange, but we made a visit.

Our new barn is in the lower right of the picture.

Our barn is in the lower left corner.

You can see our barn and house through the trees right above the fence post.

The Easter Bunny was down at the Pacific tracks.

Here is our first detour we had to take trying to get from Pacific to Union.
The water was over at AT and O.

Here is our road. The yellow sign on the tree says: IMPASSABLE DURING HIGH WATER. No kidding,

The highway to our road.

Our road some more...

This is a look from the field I walked through. You can see our
roof in the lower right and the river in the top right.

This is Adam's favorite store, Dickey Bub, getting all wet. Jack in the Box stayed dry because of their retaining wall.

It was so close to the cars!


Happy St. Pat's Day!!!

Me in my GREEN!

I love upside down baby.

I can see upside down mommy!

Naked baby--well, with a diaper, of course : )


3 Months Old!!!

Alaina turned 3 months on Wednesday!


Snow Day...again!

It's March--where's the warm weather like we had on Sunday?

Annie doesn't mind, she loves running in it.

Lainey doesn't mind--she gets to stay home with mommy!

Hungry Baby...

I was so surprised, but relieved, when the Pediatrician said that we could start introducing cereal in her bottles. I thought that they couldn't get it in the bottle, and I thought that they had to be older. The pediatrician said that it is based more on milestones than age, and she has met all those--so eat up!

She still gets about 30 ounces of boobie milk a day, and we "top her off" with a cereal bottle at night so that she continues her 8:30-7:00 am sleeping each night : ) . Last night, we tried it with a spoon. She loved it--the spoon, not just the cereal.

Oh, and here is that darned $5 link to her Penney's Pics.

My customer name is AMANDA LINDEMANN, of course!

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