

Alaina is pretty much walking now. She is soooo proud of herself. So am I!

She is also a MONKEY BUTT. She climbed up onto the table to get the pen and marker. She LOVES to write. I know what Santie can bring her for Christmas.

She was turned around the other way until she heard the camera. If she thought she was getting in trouble she wouldn't have turned around to look for anything! Stinker!

Here she is just being adorable. It makes me want to have snow soon so that I get more days to stay home with her. Sorry for those that don't like snow, but I'm already prayin' for it!

Ok, I don't know what this look is all about, but it is the SAME look as in her 6 week pictures taken at Penney's. We call it the singing baby.


A sock, a piece of toast, a calculator--you name it and Alaina's imagination turns it into a phone. Here she is with the hand-phone...


Who's there?

Oh, hi. What's goin' on?

Haha. That is sooo funny. I bet he did.

Happy Fall Y'all!

Ok, so these photos are a couple weeks old and my posts are out of order--oh well!

My little red wagon. I collected rocks in the bottom.

This is my MAD FACE that I love to make all the time!?!?

Oh look, a leaf!

Mmm, let's taste it.

Awww, yuck!

Now let's try the pumpkin.
(that wasn't so good either)


We won't let the cold weather stop our fun!

Make it go faster! 909!!!

The old put-put.


Mommy LOVES hats. I am soooo adorable in this one!

You can see my big TEEF from a mile away!

All bundled up.

Fun @ Mimi's House

MMMmmmmmm. I love green.


Alaina crawls under this inflatable pool-turned-ball pit with it totally covering her. There is no sign of baby and it looks like hovering blue blob. It's kinda like a Roomba because she just crawls into things and backs up and goes another direction. It's about as fun as playing 'put the paper sack on the kitty's head' except that Alaina likes it and goes under there herself!

Hot stuff.

Big girl--standing all by herself!

Such a cutie...

This is my "I wasn't doing anything--what are you looking at?" smirk.

We'll call this the "Look how cute I can be, look at me lay down" move.

This is what happens when you don't go away with the camera---she resumes the behavior.

PS- Toes are delicious!


Happy Halloween

My first stop--I am ready for action!

Why is his mouth so funny?

He has a scary mouth, too!

Chillin' in my chair.

Halloween is hard.

Hangin out with the cousins...

Hi cousin, Ashlynn.

Let me give you a hug!

Hey, how are you stayin' on your feet?

That girl just ate my food!

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