
I'm a Big Girl!

Everyone gets an extra day of vacation but mommy gets a long vacation till school gets goin again in August! Yeah, we get to stay home together, again.

I am growing so fast. I roll to get where I want and then I get into everything. Last Monday, I got my FIRST TOOTH and just yesterday, I got my second one!

My brain doesn't quite fit the headband yet...

...but it sure is cute! You can almost see my two toofers in this pic.

These are my patriotic shades. They taste as yummy as they look. I had them for snack shortly after this pic.

I want to crawl so bad, but all that I do is push ups and scoot backwards. I was soon under the coffee table conkin' my head on it each time I did a push up.

Dangit legs, just bend...work with me here!

Me and my daddy.

I love when mommy puts me upside down.

Giddy-up horsie! I laugh outloud when someone helps me make it rock.

My purple sandals are so cute.

Here I'm givin' aunt B a big ol' kiss. [really I'm just trying to eat her cheek]


5 Months Old...Already!!!

I look so innocent. Looks can be so deceiving.

Cutie pa-tootie. I'm 5 months old today!

Hold it like this, mom?

Errrrr, take it, hurry...

This dang bear keeps falling.

Forget the bear, look at me.

What a hard day.

What? Dad said I could play.

Chillin' in my bouncer.

Oops, I saw the camera, now all I do is stare at it.

Rolling all about...

Please stop taking pictures!



Happy B-day!

Happy Birthday Aunt B. We made you a card, but Lainey had it for dinner.

Update--Lainey figured out how to blow raspberries. She can't do them on command yet. She can only do them continuosly after she accidently discovers them. She will be crawling soon. She moves her legs right, and her arms right, just not at the same time yet. She moves across the room by rolling back to belly to back to belly... So much for putting down a blanket. She can hold herself up when she holds your fingers and her new favorite toy is her jumpy seat thinger.

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