

Laina is 8 months old! She is waving hi and bye, saying Dada, playing patty-cake, and getting braver with her walking attempts. She can push the laundry basket down the hall as she walks behind it. She is feeding herself some snack foods and she has to have a bite of whatever food you get out. She is like a dog, as soon as she hears you in the kitchen, she is at your feet begging. We trick her with "baby treats." We get those [Cheerios or Gerber Puffs] out instead of really giving her adult food. I think her Mimi cheats though, cause she had cheesy lips and fingers the other day--couldn't have been from the cheese puffs could it?

I go back to work next week and I think it is going to be difficult. She is in the beginning stages of seperation anxiety and more than that--I can't remember the last time I was up before seven! She is also going to get to spend more days home with Daddy. That means I might not be the favorite anymore : ( .


We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo...

85 degree weather was a perfect day for the zoo.

A baby giraffe. Awww!

I love the fishies.

And the water. The other kid bawled when his mom put his feet down.
I about cried when mommy wouldn't let go of me and let me at it.

It's an illusion. We are not under the heavy flow--just getting splashed a little.

Alaina wanted me to let go so she could crawl to the big drops.

I love it!

Poor me, I look like my dad...

More fishies...

I wanna catch it...throw me in so I can get it.

What a big girl standing by herself.

My First Cards Game

It was supposed to be a miserably hot day, but the heat held off and it wasn't too bad.
Can't say the same thing about the score though.

It was visit the field nite. It was so crowded; but here are my feet on the side of the field.

Here are the boys from the 'other' team.

It was too hot to stand around and wait for the cards to go by.

I went back up in the stands to have a seat in the shade.

Here we are in our seats with our sign.

We were right next to Big Mac Land where they actually did hit a homer that night!

Here's the mini sign.

Here is a pic of the big sign. Adam took about 7 pics, of course the ONLY one he took with the sign in it all the way is the one that NO ONE is looking! Men...

I'm (was) 7 months old--but it just got posted!

So I've been a little behind with the posting--get used to it--work starts back in 2 weeks!!!

Here is my pic taken on my 7 month birthday. I've also had my 6 month checkup.
Official stats: 28.25 inches tall and 17 lbs. 6 oz.

I still haven't cut any new teeth. I am cruising on the furniture like mad and starting to let go! Here are some pics of me taking a big girl bath.

I desperately needed one that day.
I think there is breakfast, lunch and dinner on my face,
and I don't know what was up with the hair???

I like to nose dive into the water to get a bite of bubbles.

HoHoHo Santa Claus!

Yummy. Fresh Bath Aqua.

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