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Too Good To Be True...

Since Alaina can climb over the top of her crib, we took off the front and converted it to the next step. She woke up the first nite @ 3 a.m. crying trying to find her way back to it, so I went against what I always say about co-sleeping and put her in the bed with me for the remainder of the nite---hey I was tired and not too sure I could have functioned enough to put her back in her bed either. She hasn't been up at 3 a.m. since she was 5 days old!

The second nite, she did good and slept till morning, but woke up with a whimper so I was in there before she had a chance to escape or wander.

Third nite's a charm???? She was up at 6 a.m.!!!! I could hear her moving around, so I went to check on her and she seemed wide awake. She greeted me with her two-syllable "hi-eee." I told her it was too early to be up and asked her if she needed a new diaper. "Ka-eee" is her new "yes." It sounds so cute like you just came up with the greatest idea ever and she is agreeing to it. Anyway, I changed her diaper and she tells me, "mok, mok" and signs for milk. So we go in the kitchen and get a drink of milk. She has still not convinced me to get up @ 6 a.m. so I take her back to her big girl bed and lay her down and tell her it is TOO EARLY to get up. I walk away back to my room with my fingers crossed---it worked!!! She went back to sleep---and so did I.
Then I can hear her again. I look at the clock anticipating it to only read 15 minutes later; but it was 2 hours later!!! Well, I had gone to get her the first 2 nights, so I decided to wait and see what she would do---would she get out and come to my room, would she just mozey on into the living room? I was anxious to find out---so I layed there for a little while. Pretty soon it's A HALF HOUR LATER---what could she be doing...so I sneak to the cracked door.

I almost gave myself away and laughed outloud, but knew that I must go sneak the camera and capture this moment....

I found her sitting in her bed with a PILE of books------AND WEARING HER SUNGLASSES!!!! By the time I got the camera, she heard me and was on her way out, but I still got pics of the evidence.

This was TWO Saturdays ago, and she has slept every nite through. She even goes down and stays in it without whining or playing. It is just too good to be true, so I am waiting for all hell to break loose and go through some 'stage' of anti-bedtime. Also, I have had to go back to work, so 6 a.m. would feel like sleeping in now!


Alaina is becoming more and more aware of her attire. Each morning when she wakes up, she says, "dress, dress..." and she doesn't mean get dressed, she means: get a dress out of closet and put it on me! And 9 times out of 10 she already has a specific dress in mind.

Well now it's even that way for Jammies. She insisted on wearing the matching outfit to "Ocki" the other nite; even though they were too big. PS--Ocki is her baby.....it looks like Barack Obama, so we named it Baracki, but she calls it Ocki.

She even read a story to Ocki before bed.


All the girls went to a Gretchen Wilson concert for Live on the Levee. We were total posers with our cowgirl hats and cowboy boots.
The hat has since been retired to Alaina.

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