Alaina is now 6 weeks old and she is starting to outgrow her "newborn" sized clothing and fit a little better into the 0-3 months clothes. The "newborn" things fit her great snug-wise, but her pants look like Erkel and her sleeves look like 3/4 lengths. It's those darned long and lanky Lindemann genes!
We went to JCPenney Portrait studio the other day. I was too cheap to buy some of the photos that I really loved--$70 for one picture--c'mon--I got a whole plethora of pics for that price in the end. I had to pay $5 to have them available online. I will share that site with you "in 10 business days" when it becomes available. You may get tired of all the "update" e-mails and just delete them, but you have to look at this one when it is sent so I get my money's worth--ha!
Here are some pics taken at home for FREE:
Mommy was bored while she was feeding me so she styled my hair!
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