
Eckert's Farm

We lost Lainey for a couple hours. She crawled into the pumpkins

Amanda, Lainey and Aunt Megan

This apple had a worm, but still taste good


My how she has grown--9 month update

I must have blinked, cause my little baby is growing into a big girl!

Here are the pics that I took on the 12th of each month with her bear [except of course the ones taken at just a few weeks old...] Her 9 month checkup is Monday, so I will post official growth stats then.

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

Goofy Girl!

Here is my punk-rock 'do!

Here I am getting into anything and everything. That is my new game...
see what I can find and destroy.

Here I am looking for trouble, but I stopped to look cute for the camera.

Here I am just adorable as I ravage through the kitchen cabinets tearing out all the bowls

If only this could play the sound of my machine-gun sounding laugh that I do when I know I'm up to no good!

Mommy and Daddy always call me 'Ling Ling' and in this pic, I look like my name could really be Ling Ling.

What do I say to this? This is Laina--always makin' you smile!

Here is our grasshopper friend who found safety on the back door while Adam cut grass.

Look-a-like Contest...

She certainly would win an Elton John look-a-like contest with these...

Here are some cutie-pa-tootie ones...I love B&W.


Sometimes I'm just sooo cute!

Like I said before, so cute!

Random Images

Daddy says I look like a lizard in this picture.

Here is an older picture of me looking for trouble.

Poor baby, she got daddy's looks!

More Cards Fun...

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