
Avoiding a Meltdown....

So, long-time-no-blog!

I've not been able to bring myself to blog in a while, much to the excuse that I didn't want to face the facts about my hard drive....it's dead.

I got a new one and my computer was up and running within days, but WITHOUT ANYTHING---including ALL pics of Alaina since she was born. I at least had a gradual "dealing with it" process that avoided the meltdown, dry heaving, sobbing mess that I would have predicted I'd be. I was sick to my stomach for about 4 days! I kept thinking there was hope, so I couldn't totally breakdown and vomit like I wanted to, I was holding out hope---over and over. Then as one door would close, there would be a linger of hope again....over and over throughout 2 weeks. So when it was finally time to accept the facts and deal with it, it was a lot easier than if the realization would have come earlier in the process.

I know, the best remedy for dying hard-drives is preventative---BACK IT UP! I had a PLAN PEOPLE!!! There was an external hard drive on my Christmas list with plans to organize all the photos by date [they pretty much are [were] anyway] and back them up on the hard drive at the end of the year.

Well, doom beat me to my plan :( and now I sit wishing I was rich so I could send it off to the miracle place that recovers them for $678 dollars!!!!

So PLEASE let this be a lesson to YOU! BACK UP YOUR FILES....it CAN HAPPEN...the dang thing was less than 3 years old!

I must stop thinking about it now or I will end up in therapy!


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