We found online coupons for
FREE entry into the Magic House,
so we spent a rainy Saturday afternoon there.
She was also quite entranced by the little "Mouse Hole" with the little mouse family inside. There was even a light switch to turn on and off, and the door could open and close.
She was tippy toe-ing to reach the water pouring out. Surprisingly, she was pretty dry at the end of it all.
Quack, Quack
Just like at home--- she loves to pour the sand all over.
She learned from the big boys that you could just climb up the other side instead of going all the way around and using the spiral stairs. But gosh-darnit--mom wouldn't let her do that too many times.
Full concentration---tongue out and all.
Geez, Louise...they are so alike; next thing you know she's gonna have a unibrow!!!
Geez, Louise...they are so alike; next thing you know she's gonna have a unibrow!!!
Laine was so zonked after all the hands-on fun that she couldn't even stand to stay awake for Toys R' Us. We went after and she layed her head on my shoulder the whole time...she was pooped.
Nice shocker pic with your daughter Adam lol
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