
Spring is here, but Kater is not...

As we welcomed in the flowers, we bid Kater farewell. She is off to live in Hawaii for 3 years!!! Lucky! New vacation spot!!!! Aloha! We're doing Jamiaca this year, so we're off to see Aunt KayKay next year--unless we talk daddy into 2 vacations--since the lodging will be free : )

Our last Sunday Dinner together for a long while.


Renee said...

Living in Hawaii for 3 years???? wow. That's an exciting adventure. I bet she'll miss Alaina. What a cool vacation....free lodging....come on DAD!!!!!

Renee said...

Living in Hawaii for 3 years???? wow. That's an exciting adventure. I bet she'll miss Alaina. What a cool vacation....free lodging....come on DAD!!!!!

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