

Alaina has been sleeping like crazy. Last night she went to bed at 7:30 and didn't get up until 9 this morning. She was ready for her morning nap by 9:45 and she slept for an hour and 45 minutes. She is still taking bottles well, but not so into the food unless it's cold, so I contributed it to teething. But then I caught her doing this...

She was already up like this when I saw her, so I put the pillow there!

Maybe she is just wearing herself out! She's been pulling up to toys and to the couch and trying to "cruise" but this---is crazy!!! What a monkey!!!


Anonymous said...

Watch out now! She's a real monkey and will be into EVERYTHING! I once found Danny standing on my kitchen counter in the time that it took me to walk from one end of my 900 sq. foot house to the other! (less than 45 seconds)

Anonymous said...

I thought you had a b-day on the 12th of this month.. guess I'm wrong since you don't have your blog updated :(

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